Australia 澳洲,  Oceania 大洋洲,  Travel

【Great Ocean Rd 大洋路】Trip to the Edge of the World 在世界邊端的公路

像之前所說, 通過KKday / Klook的當地團, 絕對可以一天往返墨爾本 ↔ 十二門徒石.
Day trips on KKday / Klook make same day travel between Melbourne ↔ the 12 Apostles possible.

不過, 自駕遊的各位 / 想要漫步在大洋路上各景點的大家, L小姐和我還是建議安排2-3天的大洋路行程.
While ms. L & i strongly recommend to leave 2-3 days for your trip to Great Ocean Rd!

有關整個澳洲之旅的規劃, 也可以參考這裡的文章.
Can also refer to here for design & planning of the whole Australia trip.

2 Days in Great Ocean Road 大洋路2天之旅

以下是我們在大洋路2天的路線 – 從(Geelong)吉朗出發, 在[起點]大洋路門牌一直到[盡頭]群島灣.
ms. L & i dropped by Geelong and Bells Beach, before we started our 2-day Great Ocean Rd trip all the way from Memorial Arch at Eastern View → Bay of Islands.

在到達吉朗之前, 其實我們是開著小小的豐田汽車, 從菲利普島一直狂奔4小時. 終於在中午前趕到… 真的好累 😫😫
Before the start of our Great Ocean Rd trip, i actually drove 4 hrs (all the way from Phillip Island → Geelong)

我們在菲利普島上與無尾熊和小企鵝的邂逅, 可以看這裡的文章.
Refer to blog post here for our Phillip Island experience.

The Last City Before Great Ocean Rd 吉朗木頭人小城

除了是前往大洋路上最後一個大型補給點, 吉朗海邊上超過100個木頭人雕塑也是的賣點之一哦!
Other than being the last city before the Great Ocean Rd, Geelong is also known for over 100 big, colorful bollard sculptures scattered along its seafront!

看著這些色彩繽紛的木頭人, 你能想像他們原來是甚麼嘛?… … … 他們以前都是固定船隻的繫船柱啦, 沒想到吧?
Can you imagine that these beautiful sculptures were all bollard in the past? 😲

say hi to Gary.. LOL where is ms. L? [要是能拿到L小姐肖像權 就能分享更多照片啦😜😜]

要是有時間的話, 建議先在吉朗城裡的超市補充一下糧水!
Its a good idea to stock up water and snacks in Geelong… why? Continue to read and you will find out…

Entering Great Ocean Rd 大洋路就在眼前

經過衝浪海灘的時候, 愛打卡的L小姐和我, 當然沒有錯過在”衝浪高手聖地”留影的機會啦 📷
In between Geelong & Memorial Arch – Legendary Surf Spot – Bells Beach. In summer, there can be as many as thousands of surfers.

從觀景台往外看, 一邊是衝浪高手們在挑戰每一個海浪, 另一邊卻是平靜﹑優雅的海灘. 真是個神奇的地方.
On one side of Bells Beach lookout, there are many surfers in the water; while on the other side, the ocean just seemed quiet & calm. This place is just amazing ~

離開衝浪海灘後, 是時候繼續我們的大洋路冒險
Time to actually start our Great Ocean Rd journey!

Route 自駕路線Geelong → Bells Beach → Memorial Arch
Google Suggested 谷歌預計1 hr
Actual Traffic 實際時間1 hr 40 mins (20 mins in Bells Beach)

登登登登! 大洋路的起點 – 大洋路大門牌.
Memorial Arch at Eastern View – Entrance to Great Ocean Rd ~

大門牌絕對是每一個旅客的指定打卡點. 門牌上的「Great Ocean Road」, 就是要告訴世界 -「我就站在舉世知名的大洋路上!」
One of the best photo spots: The Memorial Arch (it tells all your frds that You Are in GREAT OCEAN ROAD 🚩)

可能的話, 要早一點到大門牌這裡哦!! 這邊的停車位不多, 就20-30個左右, 聽說在旅遊高峰期, 可是常常停滿了車.
If you come to Great Ocean Rd during peak season, remember to come to Memorial Arch early if possible – there are only 20-30 parking spots and filled up easily if there are a lot of tourists.

Lorne 洛恩鎮

洛恩鎮 & 阿波羅海灣是大洋路前半段的兩個小鎮. 停留一下, 吹吹海風, 眺望閃閃發亮的海灣 – 這夢寐以求的悠閒生活, 就是L小姐和我所追求的最高境界了啦…
Lorne & Apollo Bay are two of the bigger towns in the 1st half of Great Ocean Rd. Definitely worth to pull over, take some deep breaths of the fresh air as well as some nice picture of the shiny South Ocean.

Route 自駕路線Memorial Arch → Lorne
Google Suggested 谷歌預計15 mins
Actual Traffic 實際時間15-20 mins

第一站, 我們直接把車開上了洛恩鎮的Teddy’s Lookout (“泰迪”展望台).
First, ms. L & i went to the Teddy’s Lookout in Lorne.

泰迪展望台離洛恩鎮約5分鐘, 是山上一個小小的平台. 在這裡能眺望洛恩風景沙灘和一段大洋路繞山路段.
At Teddy’s Lookout, there is a nice view of Great Ocean Rd + its coastline + Lorne Scenic Beach + south ocean all coming together. Definitely worth a 15-30 mins visit.

To locate Teddy’s Lookout on GPS (也可以在GPS搜這個地址):
100 George St, Lorne VIC 3232, Australia

Surprise!! Wild cockatoo at Teddy’s Lookout [野外捕獲 葵花鸚鵡] →→

Marriner’s Lookout in Apollo Bay 阿波羅海灣

告別洛恩鎮, 我們的下一站就是阿波羅海灣. 由於肚子實在是餓了, 我們臨時決定直接前往Apollo Bay Fishermen’s Co-Op.
After leaving Lorne, we went straightly to the Fishermen’s Co-Op of Apollo Bay for a late lunch.

Route 自駕路線Lorne → Apollo Bay
Google Suggested 谷歌預計55 mins
Actual Traffic 實際時間1 hr 10 mins

別以為Fishermen’s Co-Op就只賣生蠔﹑生魚片. 阿波羅海灣的這一家的炸魚薯條烤龍蝦都是很有名的哦!
Other than fresh seafood, Apollo Bay Fishermen’s Co-Op is also known for its fish & chips and fishermen’s basket.

Refer to their menu here ← [參考這裡的英文餐牌]

taken from outside of the Fishermen’s Co-op 炸魚薯條 配上這一流的景色 😍

填飽肚子之後, 我們登上了又一個展望台 – 阿波羅海灣的Marriner’s Lookout. 超推荐的哦!!!
In Apollo Bay, ms. L & i highly, strongly recommend everyone to visit the Marriner’s Lookout.

要注意的是, Marriner’s Lookout是在私人土地上, 遊客需要在山腰位置停車, 再步行5分鐘才能抵達哦.
Note: Marriner’s Lookout is sitting on a privately-owned land.
(i.e. park at parking space at the end of the driveway and take 5 mins walk to get to the Lookout.)

nice weather yeah 天氣真好哦~

nice view, nice post 😎😎 裝帥 是不是有一點點像? 哈哈

L小姐和我在Marriner’s Lookout待了差不多半小時, 要不是要趕路的話, 可能我們還會一直待在那…
Sitting there enjoyed the sunshine, the breeze & the fresh smell of ocean… ms. L & i spent almost 30 mins at Marriner’s Lookout. You can tell how much we like this place.

Marriner’s Lookout @ Apollo Bay
155 Marriners Lookout Rd, Apollo Bay VIC 3233, Australia

(**5 mins walk after parking 停車後 往山頂步行5分鐘)

Cape Otway Lighthouse 奧特威燈塔和森林芬多精

離開阿波羅海灣, 我們就全速前進, 打算趕在奧特威燈塔關門前去參觀一下.
After Apollo Bay, i drove as fast as i was allowed, to try to get to Cape Otway Lighthouse before it closes.

Route 自駕路線Apollo Bay → Cape Otway Lighthouse
Google Suggested 谷歌預計35 mins
Actual Traffic 實際時間45-50 mins

可是, 我們終究是慢了一步, 抵達的時候, 燈塔已經關門了 😱😱😱
Unfortunately.. we arrived after 1630 and the Lighthouse has already been closed…

pic from far away… 只好繞到附近樹叢 老遠的留影一張.. 能看到燈塔嗎?

只好下次再來大洋路的時候, 再一次拜訪奧特威燈塔啦…
Next time! Next time we will re-visit and not to miss the Lighthouse’s opening hour again!

在離開奧特威燈塔的路上, 我們再一次經過了奧特威國家公園的森林. 在遍布尤加利樹的森林裡, 聽說經常能看見野生的無尾熊 🐨🐨 我們一邊慢駛, 一邊吸收森林的芬多精, 也一邊尋找樹上無尾熊的蹤影.
We passed by the Great Otway National Park again on our way out. As this is where 🐨 wild koalas 🐨 are often seen, we drove slowly and stared possible at every trees.

估計我們那天的運氣都花在好天氣上面, 居然連一隻無尾熊都沒看見唉 😢 倒是有一隻袋鼠在我們面前跳進樹林裡.
Once again, we didn’t have our luck. No koala, but just one wild kangaroo passed by.

下一站, 我們會到這次大洋路之旅的重點 – 十二門徒石. 更多有關的資料, 可以看這裡的文章.
Our next stop after Cape Otway Lighthouse would be the famous 12 Apostles. Refer to the blog post here to continue the Great Ocean Rd journey with us!