【韓國自由行攻略】Itinerary of Korea Trips ■ 行程安排、交通、景點一覽
身邊不少朋友都說,韓國旅遊一向亮點比較少,但嘉仁卻一直挺喜歡韓國的,也推薦大家親自到韓國自由行,感受一下K-POP發源地的熱情。KA don’t quite understand why some of my friends find Korea a so-so country… I actually like it a lot, and would encourage everyone to go experience the young vibes…
【澳洲自由行攻略】Australia Travel Itinerary ■ 行程安排、交通、景點一覽
對於來自於香港的旅客,航程只要9小時的澳洲是體驗歐美式生活,同時又能親近大自然、放鬆身心的最好選擇。For those who travel from Hong Kong and would like to experience western lifestyle, Australia is probably the best and nearest travel destination. 9-hours of flight would take you from…
【W.F.HongKong 在山一角】1-day Hiking Trail – Wan Kuk Shan ■ 香港彎曲山 夢幻步道 & 日落
Hiking route with superb view along the MacLehose Trail - Wan Kuk Shan ☆ 疫情下繼續發掘香港的美 - 西貢彎曲山4小時路線
【W.F.HongKong 在山一角】Easy Trail Easy Walk -Tai Mo Shan ■ 輕鬆踏上香港之巔 大帽山
Being the highest peak in Hong Kong, getting up to Tai Mo Shan is surprising easy ☆ 作為全香港最高峰, 登上大帽山的路線其實相當輕鬆, 絕對適合一眾新手!