【釜山攻略】Perfect Busan Itinerary ■ 釜山行程總整理
釜山作為韓國第二大城市,總是讓人覺得這麼近﹑又那麼遠。As the 2nd largest city in Korea, Buan always seems to be a little bit far from the center. 其實從首爾出發,到釜山只要2個半小時。大家下次到韓國,可以像嘉仁一樣預留3-4天到釜山去看看,很推薦哦!Actually Busan isn’t that far. It only takes you 2.5 hours…
【韓國自由行攻略】Itinerary of Korea Trips ■ 行程安排、交通、景點一覽
身邊不少朋友都說,韓國旅遊一向亮點比較少,但嘉仁卻一直挺喜歡韓國的,也推薦大家親自到韓國自由行,感受一下K-POP發源地的熱情。KA don’t quite understand why some of my friends find Korea a so-so country… I actually like it a lot, and would encourage everyone to go experience the young vibes…
【Nagano 日本長野】Nozawa – Amazing Skiing Resort ☆ 全天然的野澤滑雪場
Nozawa Onsen - one of the most popular winter resorts in Japan ☆ 一年一度的"滾"雪高手 YY和Ga, 來到著名的野澤溫泉滑雪場
【Nagano 日本長野】Peaceful Matsumoto & Top Class Izakaya ☆ 松本城和它的居酒屋
YY & Ga loved Matsumoto - not only its castle, but more importantly, its chill & slow-paced environment ☆ 從坐上了特"慢"列車開始, YY和我在松本的旅程, 就一直很緩慢