【澳洲自由行攻略】Australia Travel Itinerary ■ 行程安排、交通、景點一覽
對於來自於香港的旅客,航程只要9小時的澳洲是體驗歐美式生活,同時又能親近大自然、放鬆身心的最好選擇。For those who travel from Hong Kong and would like to experience western lifestyle, Australia is probably the best and nearest travel destination. 9-hours of flight would take you from…
【Great Ocean Rd 大洋路】Bucket List – 12 Apostles 今生必到的十二門徒石
Amazing 12 Apostles - reasons for why we needed 2 half-days for this bucket list destination 預留兩天的超震撼十二門徒石體驗
【Great Ocean Rd 大洋路】Trip to the Edge of the World 在世界邊端的公路
All-you-need-to-know about Great Ocean Road before getting to the 12 Apostles 一生難忘的大洋路, 在抵達十二門徒石之前, 都有甚麼著名景點