【西班牙自由行】Few Days in Madrid ■ 馬德里行程總整理
作為西班牙的首都,也是皇家馬德里主球場所在,馬德里一直是嘉仁其中一個必去城市。As the capital of Spain and home of Real Madrid C.F., Madrid has always been among the top of KA’s bucket list. 下面的分享,會仔細告訴大家在馬德里的所見所聞,也包括了交通安排、重點關注景點等細節,希望大家都能享受西班牙自由行。In below sharing, you would find all the…
【西班牙自由行攻略】Itinerary of Spain Trips ■ 行程安排、交通、景點一覽
自從2002年施丹的那一腳天外飛仙開始,嘉仁便成為了皇家馬德里的忠粉。整整20個年頭過去,期盼已久的西班牙之旅終於成行。可以一睹西班牙的熱情與一嚐伊比利半島的美食,實在是『未出發先興奮』!KA has been a Real Madrid C.F. fans for 20+ years, and in 2023 KA finally went onto the long-awaited Spain trip to experience the beauty of Iberian Peninsula as…
【釜山攻略】Perfect Busan Itinerary ■ 釜山行程總整理
釜山作為韓國第二大城市,總是讓人覺得這麼近﹑又那麼遠。As the 2nd largest city in Korea, Buan always seems to be a little bit far from the center. 其實從首爾出發,到釜山只要2個半小時。大家下次到韓國,可以像嘉仁一樣預留3-4天到釜山去看看,很推薦哦!Actually Busan isn’t that far. It only takes you 2.5 hours…
【韓國自由行攻略】Itinerary of Korea Trips ■ 行程安排、交通、景點一覽
身邊不少朋友都說,韓國旅遊一向亮點比較少,但嘉仁卻一直挺喜歡韓國的,也推薦大家親自到韓國自由行,感受一下K-POP發源地的熱情。KA don’t quite understand why some of my friends find Korea a so-so country… I actually like it a lot, and would encourage everyone to go experience the young vibes…