【Nagano 日本長野】Nozawa – Amazing Skiing Resort ☆ 全天然的野澤滑雪場
有關在地獄谷看望雪猴的點滴, 可以看這裡的文章。
Refer to blog post here for our Jigokudani Snow Monkey Park experience before Nozawa.
After Monkey Park & Nagano ☆ 從長野到野澤
跟可愛的雪猴告別, 再離開長野, YY和我在傍晚才抵達飯山站。幸好, 我們最終趕上1-2小時才一班的 – 野沢温泉ライナー!
After the good times with snow monkeys, YY & Ga arrived in Iiyama later than expected… we were lucky enough to catch the 2nd last Nozawa Onsen Liner Bus (the bus runs every 1-2 hours – be sure to check the schedule).
建議交通 坐JR到飯山站, 換乘野澤溫泉專線巴士
Recommended Route Arrive in JR Iiyama Station, then take the Nozawa Onsen Liner Bus
野沢温泉ライナー | |
Route 路線 | JR Iiyama Station [飯山駅] ↔ Nozawa Onsen [野沢温泉(中央ターミナル)] |
注意事宜 (Pls Note)
飯山是一個很小的站 – 出站馬上轉左, 就能看見野澤溫泉專線的售票機
Bus stop & ticket machine immediately on the left of main exit of Iiyama Station
Ticket: ¥600 (adult), ¥300 (kid) | 成人¥600, 孩童¥300
Nozawa – Amazing Village in the Mountains ☆ 山中的世外桃源 – 野澤
到達野澤溫泉村的時候天已經全黑, 飢寒交迫的YY和Ga, 當然是馬上頂著大雪, 直接去晚餐啦 ~
Guess what was the first thing when YY & Ga arrived in the village of Nozawa??? Yup.. DINNER time!
居酒屋推介 (Recommended Izakaya #1)
Restaurant: 居酒屋 さかい (SAKAI)
Address: 389-2502 長野県下高井郡野沢温泉村大湯7923−2
Remarks: Friendly staff with conversable English (店主一家的英文水平真的很不錯)
YY和我實在是太餓了, 飯菜一到就都通通吃光, 連拍照都忘了🤦
We were just way too hungry, and YY & i finished all dishes at once without taking any picture…
必須得說, 他們家的餐點味道都很好 (所以才會吃得那麼快啦😅)
Great food & quality – that’s also why we only realized that we didn’t take any photo after the whole dinner.
“Pro” Skier Day ☆ 滑雪高手在野澤
每年一次的(滾?)雪高手, 今年出現在野澤。
作為日本豪雪地區之一, 野澤溫泉滑雪場最受歡迎之處, 就是超過20條, 各種困難程度都有的 – 100%全天然滑雪道。
Finally YY & Ga got to ski again (after a whole long year🎿🎿). As one of the regions with the heaviest and long-lasting snowfalls, Nozawa Onsen is known for its 100% natural snowfall + ski resort.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
直達雪場的登山扶梯 – 遊ロード
往來野澤滑雪場的路十分方便 – 從溫泉村出發, 通過長長的登山扶梯 (遊ロード), 10分鐘左右就能步行到滑雪場。
Travel to and from the village is very convenient – it took YY & Ga 10-mins walk to arrive at the skiing school.
Nozawa Onsen Snow Resort
Rental, ski school, restaurants, etc. – all within 1-min from the escalator!
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
從遊ロード扶梯出來, 目所能及的已經包括 – 售票處﹑餐廳和商店等, 超級方便!!
Rental & Pvt Ski Lesson ☆ 租用滑雪用具 & 私人教練
在山上好幾家滑具店當中, YY和Ga最後選了Shirakaba Rental (左手邊第三家)。服務不錯, 值得推薦!!
Among the many rental shops, YY & Ga went for Shirakaba Rental (3rd shop on the left).
Shirakaba Rental
Location: 野沢温泉スキー場日影ゲレンデ白樺内
Hours: 0800 – 1700
Rental Package: ¥ 8,000 (for full ski set i.e. ski, ski boots, pole, helmet, jacket, pants) ☆ (滑雪板, 雪靴, 滑雪杖, 頭盔, 風衣, 滑雪褲子)
為了避免滑雪之旅變成滾雪球, YY和Ga自然是選擇了私人滑雪課程😳😳
Considered that we hadn’t skied for over a year, YY & Ga made reservation for private ski lesson in advance.
野澤的滑雪課程是由真的外國人指導, 絕對是不會日語的朋友的福音 ~ (YY和Ga遇到的是個烏克蘭的帥哥哦)
While many ski resorts would hire Japanese colleague students as the coach, one of the best things about Nozawa Ski Resort is that they have foreign skiers (mostly from Europe), and that’s definitely a great news for somebody like us who do not speak Japanese❤️
如需預約滑雪課程, 請看英文官方網站。
Pls refer to here for the official website and plan your ski lessons ahead ~
Onsen! Free Onsen ☆ 免費溫泉巡禮
除了全天然滑雪場, 野澤另一個賣點 – 當然是免費﹑天然﹑數目很多的溫泉啦。♨️♨️♨️
Another thing about Nozawa (beside its skiing resort), is definite their ONSENsss.
上面的「河原湯」是比較靠近村子中心的一個。包括「河原湯」在內, 野澤村里一共有13個公共溫泉。沒看錯, 是13個!!!
There are at least 13 public onsens in Nozawa – and more importantly – all 13 for FREE!
經過一整天的滑雪, 沒有甚麼比泡溫泉更能消除疲勞啦!
YY & i couldn’t think of any better deal than Onsen, after a tiring skiing day.
好啦。溫泉里面是不可以拍攝的。那就先這樣, 我們自己進去享受一番啦~
No photo/ video filming in the onsens please 👀👀👀
Descriptions about the Onsens ☆ 溫泉簡介
Onsen Map ☆ 溫泉地圖
Amazing Nozawa Hospitality ☆ 野澤 – 美食與住宿
滑了一天的雪, 也泡過了溫泉, 還有甚麼能比這更完美? 當然是要有豐富的晚餐 – みなと絕對是野澤的首選👍
What can be better than having a delicious and chill izakaya dinner at Minato after a whole day of skiing?
Top Pick in Nozawa ☆ 大大力推薦 (Izyaka #2)
Restaurant: みなと (Minato)
Address: 389-2502 長野県下高井郡野沢温泉村大字豊郷8706
Hours: 1800 – 2330
**Highly Recommended ☆ 名物推荐:
🍲 Hot Pot 小湯鍋 (with crab leg, shrimps, oysters, tofu, etc.)
Our recommended motel – Ikemoto “池元”.
池元旅館是其中一家, 最最最靠近公交車站的旅館, 對於要一早趕巴士的背包客們, 是最好的選擇之一。
Within 1-min walk from the bus station, Ikemoto is the perfect choice for those who need to catch the early buses.
除了地理位置上的優勢, 老闆一家都很熱情, 房間也非常整潔。最重要的是, 可以選擇帶有套廁的房間哦!
In addition to its location, another selling point of Ikemoto is that most of their rooms come with private bathroom! (very important if you do not want to line up in front of the public bathroom with other skiers)
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
公交車站 ↔ 池元旅館 (只需1分鐘)
在別過野澤溫泉後, YY和Ga就一路返回東京。這次的快閃之旅, 就是我們在2020年後, 最後一次旅行啦 😢😢
After Nozawa, we headed back to Tokyo, and then HK. And that was the last time we traveled since 2020…
希望在不久將來, 能再和YY繼續環遊這世界❤️
YY & i hope that we can see you all (and see this world) in the near future! Stay safe, stay healthy folk 💪💪