【西班牙自由行】Few Days in Madrid ■ 馬德里行程總整理
As the capital of Spain and home of Real Madrid C.F., Madrid has always been among the top of KA’s bucket list.
In below sharing, you would find all the need-to-knows about Madrid, the suggested itinerary, top attractions, etc., and… time to pack your backpack for the next trip to Spain!
About Madrid . 馬德里介紹
Madrid has a long history of being the capital of Spain since 1561. Right now, it is the 2nd largest city in the European Union.
在旅遊方面,雖然馬德里的名氣稍稍不及巴塞隆拿,不過對於想要了解西班牙歷史﹑文化的旅客,馬德里的重要程度比其他城市有過之而無不及。這裡有歐洲的第三大宮殿 – 馬德里王宮﹑首屈一指的普拉多博物館﹑世界上最古老的餐廳等,加上大部分景點都集中在市中心附近,對旅客來說相當方便。交通發達的馬德里,很多時候也是旅客歐遊的終站,逛街購物﹑爆買伴手禮也是常備活動之一。
For those who would like to understand the history and culture of Spain, Madrid should definitely be in their itinerary. There are simply much more than just Palacio Real de Madrid e.g. Museo Nacional del Prado (one of the largest art museum), Sobrino del Botin (the oldest restaurant in world), Templo de Debod (ancient Eygpt temple) and many places for shopping.
位處於西班牙中部高原,馬德里的平均氣溫比西班牙其他城市都要稍微低一些,大概6°C – 26°C左右。在春夏﹑夏秋之間是相當適合旅遊。
The city locates in the middle of Iberian Peninsula’s central mountain range. With a generally lower temperature at 6°C – 26°C, it is a great place to visit during spring-summer/ summer-fall time.
Madrid Attraction Map . 馬德里景點地圖
Transportation . 馬德里交通
Despite many other options e.g. bus, taxi or Uber, metro is the most convenient transportation to travel around the city.
As you can tell from the metro map above, Madrid Metro allows one to reach almost every corner of the city.
All the key attractions are accessible by metro. For travel tips and other things to know about the metro, please refer to another sharing from KA via below link.
To/ From Airport ■ 往返機場
主要機場是馬德里-巴拉哈斯機場,位於馬德里的東北方。雖然馬德里地鐵也能直達機場,但地鐵要上下樓梯﹑又要換乘,跟只要15-20分鐘的Uber/ 網約車比起來,確實沒那麼方便。要是大家是一群人出行 (3-4人以上),嘉仁建議還是直接打車比較舒服。
Barajas Airport is the main airport in Madrid. While there is Metro Line 8 to the airport, if you have a group of 3-4 people, KA suggests to consider taking Uber/ taxi as it would only take 15-20 mins to travel from the airport to city center.
Must Visit in Madrid . 馬德里主要推介
Palacio Real de Madrid ■ 馬德里王宮
Palacio Real de Madrid is without a doubt the most popular attraction in the city. As the 3rd largest palace in Europe (Top 2︰Château de Versailles 🇫🇷, The Hofburg 🇦🇹), it is the official residence of Spain’s royal family.
While King Felipe VI doesn’t really live in the palace, it is now more like a museum with many jewelries and artworks for display. The touring route is subject to change every few months to give different touring experience to the visitors.
Note︰Photo/ filming is prohibited in the palace. So that’s basically all KA could have taken.
Museo Nacional del Prado ■ 普拉多博物館
Museo Nacional del Prado was built in 1819 and locates at the center of Madrid. It is the largest museum in Spain, where you can find many royal family’s collections including painting from Francisco Goya, In there you can find a large number of the royal family’s collections, including artworks of Francisco de Goya and Diego Velázquez.
不過要注意的是, 普拉多博物館裡面也是禁止拍攝的。
Need to note that photo/ filming is also prohibited in the museum.
在他們官網可以預覽不同的畫作,大家可以先看看再決定是不是適合自己的口味。比方說哥雅的The Parasol﹑維拉斯奎茲的Las Meninas等。
The museum allow online preview of their collections, and you can take a look first before deciding whether to go or not.
Segovia ■ 塞哥維亞
到馬德里去的旅客,大多會到近郊的塞哥維亞/ 托萊多遊覽。一個在北﹑一個在南,兩個城市都是以古建築而聞名,並且都是距離馬德里大約1小時的車程,是馬德里近郊一日遊的好選擇。
Segovia & Toledo are popular day-trip option — Segovia (north) and Toledo (south) are both approximately 1 hour away from Madrid and their old towns were declared UNESCO’s World Heritage Site (list).
This time KA just visited Segovia. Basically the two cities are quite alike, but if time allows, I would still suggest everyone to visit both cities and to experience the beauty and fusion of different cultures in Spain.
Day-trip to Segovia ■ 馬德里近郊一日遊 – 塞哥維亞
For more about other Spain travel details/ itinerary, please refer to KA’s other posts:
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