【西班牙自由行攻略】Itinerary of Spain Trips ■ 行程安排、交通、景點一覽
KA has been a Real Madrid C.F. fans for 20+ years, and in 2023 KA finally went onto the long-awaited Spain trip to experience the beauty of Iberian Peninsula as well as the great dishes there.
Being my first sharing about Europe, KA has spent extra time in preparing this post and hopefully you would find the travel tips useful!
⚽︎ ⚽︎ Zidane vs Leverkusen – YouTube – 重溫施丹的天外飛仙 ⚽︎ ⚽︎
Need-to-knows . 西班牙行程規劃
南近非洲﹑北接法國,在不同文化背景的影響下,西班牙的不同城市皆各有特色。相信大家一定都聽說過 (i) 馬德里﹑(ii) 巴塞隆拿,而其他主要城市包括 (iii) 塞維利亞﹑(iv) 瓦倫西亞等,都屬於旅客常到訪的城市。
There are many famous cities in Spain, and the top ones include (i) Madrid, (ii) Barcelona, (iii) Sevilla and (iv) Valencia.
Madrid︰Spain‘s capital and also where the Royal Family stays. Economic and political center of the country and home of Real Madrid C.F..
Barcelona︰Capital city of the autonomous community of Catalonia. Also known for the great architectures of Antoni Gaudí (e.g. Sagrada Familia & Casa Milá), which make the city one of the most popular travel destinations in Europe.
塞維利亞︰西班牙另一大區 – 安達盧西亞自治區的首府。由於曾被古羅馬帝國和北非穆斯林所統治,市內的歷史建築大多帶有伊斯蘭和古羅馬色彩,兩種不同文化的結合,別有一番風味。
Sevilla︰Capital city of the autonomous community of Andalusia. The largest city in southern Spain, which was once occupied by Roman Empire and later Umayyad Empire. You can still find footprints of the Roman and Muslim throughout the city, which make Sevilla one of the most fascinating cities in Europe.
Valencia︰One of the oldest cities in Spain and it is also known for being the industrial center of eastern Spain. Today the developments have transformed Valencia into one of the most modern cities of the country.
Renfe Train ■ 西班牙國鐵
跟大部分歐洲國家一樣,鐵路是西班牙最常用的出行交通工具。一般情況下,嘉仁建議上西班牙國鐵(Renfe)官網購買點對點的車票,但要是大家打算到訪多個國家,歐洲火車證會相對方便一些。不過對於只打算到一﹑兩個國家的旅客,€250+ 的歐洲火車證就不太划算。
Renfe Train, Spain‘s official railway company, is the most frequently used transportation mean. If you plan to only visit Spain, then KA would recommend to directly buy tickets on Renfe’s website. However, for those visiting multipls countries in Europe, Eurail Pass could be a better option (€250+).
Eurail Pass ■ 歐洲火車證 > klook | kkday <
Renfe Train ■ 西班牙國鐵 > officla website 官網 <
需要注意的是,西班牙國鐵的車票一般只在發車前15 – 45天才開始發售,大家可能要隨時留意著發售情況。
Note︰You usually won’t be able to book Renfe Train tickets until 15-45 days before the travel date.
Plane ■ 飛機
在歐洲,有時候短途航班比火車票更便宜。而且,西班牙的國鐵以馬德里為中心,有一些城市之間並沒有直接的火車,比方說是巴塞隆拿 ⇄ 塞維利亞,在這個時候,就需要依靠飛機把大家更快的帶到下一個目的地。
Domestic flights are sometimes cheaper than train tickets in Europe. And considered that there isn’t direct train between some of the cities (e.g. Barcelona ⇄ Sevilla), flights would therefore be a good travel option.
巴塞隆拿 ✈︎ 塞維利亞 > Vueling, Ryanair, etc. <
Metro ■ 地鐵
Metro is the most convenient transportation within Madrid and Barcelona.
- 馬德里︰利用地鐵交通卡 (Multi-card) 購買單程劵或十次劵 一卡可多人使用
- 巴塞隆拿︰可以購買 (Hola Barcelona Travel Card) 2-5天旅遊卡 無限乘坐地鐵﹑公交車 > klook <
About Madrid Multi-card – 請看這裡 – 馬德里交通卡教學
About Hola Barcelona Travel Card – 請看這裡 – 巴塞隆拿旅遊卡教學
Spain Itinerary . 西班牙自由行 行程推介
Here’s the itinerary of KA’s first trip to Spain. And I hope there are more to come and more sharing with you all!
- 8 days in Barcelona, Granada, Sevilla & Madrid ■ 八天西班牙追夢之旅 — Oct 2023
有關更多馬德里﹑巴塞隆拿﹑塞維利亞及其他西班牙旅遊城市資訊,可以瀏覽嘉仁的其他文章: Check out other sharing from KA for more about Madrid, Barcelona, Sevilla & other cities in Spain: Madrid ■ 馬德里 | Barcelona ■ 巴塞隆拿 (敬請期待) | Sevilla ■ 塞維利亞 (敬請期待) |
▶️ YouTube Channel – WFH Story
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